why our seamless pipe?

#1 a wide range of seamless pipes
We are proud of our 80 years networking with blast furnaces, and are based at Urayasu steel complex (Urayasu Kougyo Danchi), which is the biggest steel complex in the East, producing 5.8 million tons annually. Thanks to our relationship with the blast furnaces and the Urayasu Steel Complex we are able to maintain a huge inventory of stock and can supply seamless pipe, our main product, as well as satisfy our customers’ wide range of needs.
#2 Lower cost
Seamless pipes, which can only be produced using blast furnaces, are often difficult to purchase directly from the blast furnaces, or the large minimum order volume can be restrictive. It can be costly for someone who only needs a small quantity. At Tohsei Kokan, with our close relationship with the blast furnaces, we are flexible to our customers’ needs. We can supply even a single pipe, reducing the total cost to our customers.

#3 shorter lead time
As mentioned above, through our collaboration with blast furnaces and Urayasu Steel Complex we are able to maintain a huge inventory and can supply a wide range of pipes, including seamless pipe, when customers require it.